Сегодня: 17.09.2024
Главная Шаблоны Joomla YOOtheme YOOtheme Noble v5.5.10 J1.5 & v5.5.3 J1.6 - Шаблон блога для Joomla
Автор: Qoodo
19 Марта 2011
Шаблон Noble от YOOtheme для Joomla! 1.5 и Joomla 1.6
Шаблон для Joomla 1.5 от YOOtheme.com
Noble - новый шаблон для блогов на Joomla! 1.5 и Joomla 1.6 построенный на базе фреймворка Warp5. Добавлены новые иконки Apple Touch Icon и обновлен фрейморк шаблона до версии Warp 5.5.14.
This month we proudly present our new template "Noble". It's stylish and individual design in combination with our new ZOO blog template make it perfect for your private website or blog. To give our new template a noble touch, we used discreet retro colors, lots of whitespace and played around with the typography. You also have the option to enable some nice Google webfonts!
* A variety of template color variations
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* Built with the Warp5.5 template framework
* Utilizes different webfonts
* Compact size, using minified CSS/JS, gzip and data-URI's
* Fully compatible with the latest Mootools Version 1.2
* Works with all YOOtools
* Updated Warp framework to 5.5.14
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Быстрый старт (QuickStart) | Изображения (Source images)
Размер: 21 Mb
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