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Fearless Flyer Pork & Beans - Шаблон для WordPress

Шаблоны WordPress - Другие шаблоны

(4 Голосов)

Автор: Qoodo

03 Апреля 2010


Шаблон для WordPress от Fearless Flyer


The original design didn’t include a wood background, nor was there a patch of grass in the footer – but I figured, it needed some identity. I know what you’re thinking: What does it have to do with “Pork and Beans”? Absolutely nothing. Who said the name had to relate anyway? Picked up the color scheme from the “Moboogie” Color template from Adobe’s Kuler website. Images are automatically resized using a custom field entry (image). For best results, use images wider than 562 pixels.

Демо: http://pork.fearlessflyer.com/
В архиве: Шаблон (Template)
Совместимость: WordPress 2.8+
Размер: 6.5 Mb

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