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ProThemeDesign Dispatch - Шаблон для WordPress

Шаблоны WordPress - Другие шаблоны

(11 Голосов)

Автор: Qoodo

12 Июня 2010


Шаблон для WordPress от ProThemeDesign

Привлекательное дополнение для Mimbo Pro темы!

An attractive add-on for the Mimbo Pro theme, geared toward writers and independent journalists who want lean-and-mean design with powerful editing capabilities.

Особенности шаблона:

* Animated multi-level dropdown menus
* Custom page templates for contact form, archives, sitemaps, image galleries and more
* Image carousel with variable speed
* Custom control panel options to control navigation, category excerpts, Google Analytics and more
* Three widgetized regions for flexibility
* Print-friendly options
* 125×125 ad support
* Custom logo and masthead image management
* Image thumbnail resizing
* Support for gravatars, author comment highlighting, threaded comments and paged comments
* Full localization and translation support
* Built-in contact form with CAPTCHA to eliminate spam
* Breadcrumb navigation

Демо: http://prothemedesign.com/themes/dispatch/
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Изображения (Source images)
Совместимость: WordPress 2.9.1
Тип: Коммерческий
Размер: 1.41 Mb

Скачать шаблон ProThemeDesign Dispatch для WordPress:


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